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My first time was special. I’ll never forget it…

Things actually hadn’t worked out the way they were planned, nor had we served in a way we could say, “Look, we built this” or “look we improve someone’s situation by…”

What we did may seem small. But because this small act was really a part of God’s larger plan, it was a glorious day.

For me, the impact was undeniable. I was hooked from the moment our Small Group (that’s our bible study group) decided to visit the orphanage. The plan was to visit the children and spend quality time with them playing games, talking with them, listening to them, but most importantly sharing the love of Jesus. We did accomplish that, but along the way I could feel something.

God was finding a way to reach out to me and speak to me. God had plans for me, and this was to be the beginning of a new life for me.

God wanted me to serve by connecting with others and making it easier for them to serve. God wants me to help people serve in our community.